Relationships: Do Some People Sensitively Shut Down After a Breakup?
Relationships: Do Some People Sensitively Shut Down After a Breakup? There are so many things that can make someone feel incredible pain and one of them is a breakup. When someone experiences a breakup, it can feel like they are all over.
It doesn’t matter if they’ve been with another person for months or years, because pain can erase them. Then one can go from feeling the world to feeling as if they are at the bottom of the world.
However, even if they do not feel this way, the way they feel now is likely to be quite different. Then one may have a physically strong body, a muscular body but no effect on how they feel.
On the outside, they will look strong, yet on the inside, they will feel incredibly weak. Without a body like theirs, they may feel much weaker than they actually are.
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Loss of control
Before this point in time, they probably could have been fairly balanced and when the event wasn’t they found it fairly easy to manage their emotions. Now, their emotions will get out of control and it may be more or less impossible to control their emotions.
In fact, it can feel like they are all in the ocean now and they can hardly do these things. One of their biggest needs is to do what they can to regain control of their inner world.
An option
What one can do to gain support is to reach out to their friends. It will then be perfectly clear that they do not need to hide how they are feeling; They will be weak and comfortable
People will provide energy in their lives that they currently lack internally. Similarly, that sculpture will hold an unstable building; These people will hold on to their restless inner world.
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Two ways
Since these people will be able to be there for them in this way, it will probably appear that these people also have a good relationship with their own emotions. They will then not be emotionally disconnected or believe that there is a problem with being emotionally weak.
Instinctively, they also realize that no one is their own island and there will be moments in everyone’s life when they need emotional support so, if they are not in a good way, they can reach out to others in the same way.
Healthy approach
When someone is not in the right way and they reach out to others, they are going to prevent them from being disconnected from their senses. This will enable them to work through the pain they have.
It may take months or even longer, but the key is to let the process unfold. After a while, they will probably start to settle down slowly, which will give them a chance to find someone else.
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Another result
Alternatively, someone may end up using their mind to disconnect how they feel about their feelings and this means they will probably have little contact with their pain. And, even when this pain comes into their conscious consciousness, they will soon do what they can to bring it back into their body.
This may mean that there is no one in their life to whom they can open their mouths or it may just show that they do not feel comfortable reaching out to others. Either way, this pain will stick between them.
A divided organism
All it will do is bring them back to normal without having to deal with the emotional pain. The downside of this approach is that it will no longer be possible for them to act as human beings.
Not only will they lose contact with their ‘bad’ feelings, but they will also lose contact with their ‘good’ feelings. Then they can appear like a very flat person and they can even become cool.
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False height
By not being in contact with things that make them feel alive, they can be attracted to things that artificially bring life into them. This may mean that they will be attracted to alcohol, drug addicts, have endless casual encounters, and/or may go abroad constantly.
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The downside is that being employed in this kind of work will probably make it harder for them to manage their normal state of survival. It’s easy to see now why they might be addicted to these things.
If someone comes in contact with their pain like this, they will find that they feel very ashamed to reach out to others. Disconnecting from this pain and keeping it to yourself will become a safe way for them.
Given this, it would be essential to acknowledge that there is nothing wrong with reaching out for support. Even if someone else tries to embarrass them, it just shows that this person has their own wounds to solve.
If someone can relate to it and they want to change their life, they may need the help of a doctor or healing.
If you have any doubts, Please let me know.